Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How to Install a Pocket Shop Widget on your tumblr Blog

Here is the step-by-step info on how to add a Pocket Shop widget to the sidebar on your tumblr blog.

  1. Sign in to your tumblr account, and view your blog. Click the Customize button in the upper right corner of the page.

  2. Click Info in the top menu.

  3. In the description field, paste the code supplied on the Craft Cult Get a Widget page.

  4. Click outside of the menu, and tumblr will reload the preview of your blog layout, showing the widget in your sidebar. Click Save + Close in the upper right corner of the page.

  5. The widget is now live on your blog!

You can space out multiple widgets by pasting
<div style='line-height:20px;'>&nbsp;</div> between the code for each one.

This was tested using the default theme for tumblr, Redux. Some themes do not show the description area. For these themes, it is possible to install the widget by adding the code to your Custom HTML in the tumblr themes editor. The details vary depending on your theme.


  1. Just wanted to say thanks for posting this! I'm using your widget on my tumblr right now, and I'm so happy with it. :)

  2. Thanks for this. I have one that I'd like to put as a sidebar and I don't know html code that well and can't find it in the written code. Is there a way to add the widget that way with some help?


  3. Thanks artikgato, glad you're liking it!

    Sure Megan, the code above is actually the way to put it in the sidebar in tumblr. Adding HTML to the Info section of that menu adds it to the sidebar.
